A proper food diet for weight loss

the basics of proper nutrition for weight loss

In the subconscious of most people, healthy eating, which all doctors in unison call the most reasonable measure not only for overweight but also for many diseases, is clearly related to water and lettuce. Perhaps a portion of boiled chicken breast is still occasionally attached to this dead nature. But even then - on vacation. And the reason does not lie even in the fact that one considers proper nutrition as a diet to be endured, unless its period is somewhat longer than others. And the fact that the word "correct" in a way immediately interrupts all the good and the bad, putting the body in front of stress. But in reality, not everything is so sad. And to be sure of that, it's worth studying the proper nutrition diet. The basic principles are known to all, though not always complete. It will not be superfluous to refresh your memory and pass them at a glance.

The right food base

The basic principles of good nutrition are as follows:

  • Water mode. This moment is almost fundamental, as the day begins and ends with water. According to the postulates of a healthy diet, every morning, after getting out of bed, you should drink one or two glasses of warm boiled water. This improves intestinal peristalsis, cleanses the body of toxins and toxins accumulated overnight and starts the digestive process. And, therefore, awakens the feeling of hunger. Furthermore, warm water is required, as cold water will adversely affect the gastrointestinal tract. Especially with liver, gallbladder and high acidity problems. During the day, drink one and a half to two liters of clean water, which does not include herbal teas, coffee and juices. It is advisable to take a glass of warm water even before each meal. This will allow you to eat more and more.
  • In the diet of proper nutrition, the first place is always given to vegetables and non-starchy fruits rich in fiber, as well as cereals. They have a positive effect on the work of the digestive tract, enrich the body with vitamins and trace elements and affect many systems. When swallowed and inflated, the fiber provides a quick and long-lasting feeling of satiety and gently cleanses the intestines. In addition, carbohydrates from vegetables, fruits and whole grains are easily digested without causing an immediate increase in blood insulin, which allows them to be consumed in almost any amount, even with overweight and problems with sugar levels.
  • Food should be steamed or cooked and boiled. Bake in the oven preferably on a grill or in noodles, without additional fats in the form of butter, mayonnaise or sour cream. No redness. This is due not so much to the calorie content of the dishes as to the load on the liver and pancreas. Salads are dressed with olive oil or walnut oil. But it is better to use lemon juice or low-fat natural yogurt for this purpose - up to 5%.
  • You should not deny yourself sweet, but this dessert should be right. In the diet for weight loss, chocolate may be present, but only dark, with over 75% cocoa. And should be used in the morning in small quantities. And yet, from such delicacies, it is better to give preference to marshmallows or natural fruit marmalade in apple sauce without chemical additives. Again - before lunch and with a clear dose. And fat cream cakes, pana cream cakes, chocolate ice cream and caramel ice cream have nothing to do with proper weight loss diet.
  • Parts also need to be checked. No one will take you to the chopping block for two hundred grams of boiled meat instead of one hundred. But the first, second and compotes, even if they are completely and utterly natural, will definitely not affect the weight loss process in the best way. Ideally, the fuller dish will come out at lunch, a little less - for breakfast, and even less or equal to it - for dinner.
  • For snacks, which are not prohibited in the diet of proper food, vegetables and fruits, nuts, cottage cheese, dairy products with a low percentage of fat and without a kilogram of chemical additives are chosen. And snacks are not required every hour, but only on breaks between meals, lasting more than three hours.

Approximate diet of the right food for a week and a day

an example of a nutrition menu for weight loss

In order to have a clear picture of how exactly the daily and weekly menu is constructed in accordance with the above principles, you need to sketch an outline of the correct diet for the day. And also to explain how things are with the frequency of consumption of certain products within a week, since the diet of proper food calculated for a week does not differ significantly from that of the daily. And therefore there is no need to talk about the seven days in detail.

In the morning

After a glass or two of warm boiled water, wait fifteen to twenty minutes. Then there can be three options: the main one is oatmeal or corn porridge with milk or water, seasoned with honey. Raisins and dried apricots are allowed as natural sources of fructose. Fresh fruit can also be added.

The second is herbal tea, boiled eggs, fresh bread and a layer of cheese. Soft bread can be replaced with whole grain bread.

The third is natural cottage cheese or yogurt, just like porridge, seasoned with honey or fruit. Such a breakfast is created to activate, start digestion and tone.


The main requirement for lunch is completeness. In addition, meals should be hot and liquid two to three times a week. This frequency of consumption of soups is sufficient for the smooth functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. And they can be cooked both in meat and vegetable or fish juice.

Another option for lunch is boiled or steamed meat, which is not recommended to be consumed more than twice a week. An ideal side dish for him are fresh or steamed vegetables, cereals.

The third option is boiled potatoes or mashed potatoes, or pasta made from durum wheat. Fill with vegetables. Such food is also allowed no more than a few times every seven days. As a result, at least the diet at lunch time for the right food for a week is already ideally changing. Three days of soup - vegetables, fish or poultry, two days of meat, two days of potatoes or pasta. And they all alternate perfectly with each other.


Dinner is lighter, but still quite nutritious, so you can not skip over an apple. By the way, it is better to eat this fruit in the morning: it activates the digestive processes. And in the evening they should slow down.

  • Option one: steamed fish, cucumber and tomato salad, seasoned with lemon juice.
  • Option two: vegetable stew.
  • Third option: low-fat cottage cheese, which can be seasoned with honey and cinnamon, or combined with citrus fruits.

Before bed, kefir or other fermented milk drink is allowed, but should be natural. No yogurt with pieces of fruit and a pound of sugar.

Such a fast and dirty daily diet of proper diet requires individual perfection, limited only by the imagination of the creator. After all, even cereals are suitable not only for cooking porridge: you can make cutlets and casserole from them. Fish can be the basis for a delicate souffle, and delicious smoothies are made from vegetables. As a result, any clear diet of the right food for the day is just one example, from which it is worth starting, and not a limiter of imagination.